Bug Hunting Tips

If you grew up in a rural area like I did, you probably once knew about the joys of lightning bug hunting on a warm summer’s evening. A master bug hunter could not just go outside and find the bugs. You needed the correct tools, the correct team, andthe correct plan of action. Personally, I loved catching lightning bugs, and had it down to a proven methodology.

When I was still new to firefly hunting, I would try to catch them with one hand, and transport them to another hand without squishing or losing the bugs. Of course, I lost more than I caught. The best methodology is to...

Accelerated Data Models in a Distributed Splunk Environment

Splunk v6.0.1 is packed with new features that enhance the user experience and can provide useful, lightning fast reports. For a full overview of the new features check out this link: Splunk 6!

One of the new features that provide users the ability to build exceptionally fast reports is data models. Users can use the structure provided by the data models to create pivot tables, all without knowing Splunk’s search language. Pivot users select the data model they are interested in, then point and click their...

Beware: Watchdog is a Hog

A neat monitoring agent that will run inside your Drupal PHP engine is New Relic.   With New Relic we can monitor the PHP application performance as well as the overall health of the Drupal site in terms of under-the-hood metrics: database performance, error rate, response time, sluggish modules/APIs (it can locate these down to the line of code causing the site to spin at a zillion CPU cycle a second.  So, it is a handy tool to have...

Splunk, Where's my Props?!

Here’s the scenario. You find the perfect app for your data. You onboard the data, configure all your files, look through all your dashboards to finally see the views you have been waiting for. Then your greatest fear is realized, your dashboards are not working! You trouble shoot the searches in your dashboards and the fields that are needed for this search do not exist. Where are your field extractions?

Once you see that everything seems to be configured right on your app, you go through the TA apps you installed to make sure everything is working together. Everything seems to be...

How to Add Your Own DAO to the GSF Actions

GSF's ActionController and Action classes (in GSF version 11.x) can make building a website in WebCenter SItes much easier. If you're not familiar with the GSF and why you should consider using it, then check out Tony's blog post. If you're building a website in WebCenter Sites, then there's a good chance you're not making a small "Hello World" website. Big, complex websites require lots of assets, which in turn can require lots of code to load and manage all these assets. And plus there's usually...

Passing Time

System monitoring dashboards are something we are often asked to provide for our clients. Normally, this is a pretty straight forward task, but on a recent client engagement, I was presented with one requirement that was a bit out of the ordinary. This client was looking to monitor a set of ten desktops with a real-time dashboard that would display in their office. They wanted to see all of the standard metrics like cpu, memory, and disk. If there was a spike in a time chart for say % CPU Usage, they wanted to be able to click on the spike and drill down into another view. They wanted the...

Setting up a Simple Workflow in Oracle WebCenter Sites

Welcome fellow enthusiasts of Oracle WebCenter Sites, to an introductory blog about how to set up a simple workflow!  As we all know, workflow is an integral aspect of any web content management system, and thus creating an efficient workflow is paramount to the overall success of the system and it’s business owners.

The particular workflow we will design is modest yet effective.

There are 2 main Roles of users:

  • ContentAuthor – creates/edits content
  • ContentApprover – approves content for publishing

Go ahead and create these 2 Roles, and...

Nonimmigrant Visa and Status Concepts - Part I

As the tech field becomes more and more innovative, the United States will continue to be a melting pot for immigrants and non-immigrants to share their knowledge, skills and abilities. Prior to joining Function1 , I practiced immigration law at a small law firm where most of the firm’s clients were small to large employers seeking to recruit and/or retain foreign nationals in one of their offices in the U.S. Of these employers, many were small information technology companies. Accordingly, I thought it may be of interest to employers and employees alike to write a...

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