Import your WCI Content in Drupal

I wanted to blog about something exciting and relative to the current hour such as "who will win the coming presidential race to the Whitehouse", especially that the first presidential debate of 2012 is looming (personally I think Jim Lehrer is pretty lame and would have preferred to see Oprah Winfrey conducting these debates.)  But my friend ...

Run Forrest Run!

"Run Forrest Run" – do you remember that scene from the movie Forrest Gump? Well, that seems to be the trend nowadays with government agencies running away from costly entreprise solutions towards more open source software because it is, well, free.  Luckily, Forrest Gump unshackles himself from his polio braces and breaks free; and so so did many government agencies. In ...

A Webcenter Interaction 10gR3 install and an Oracle 11g Database walk into a bar

Error accessing database! Check your config files and verify that your database is correctly scripted.

It's 2 AM, and these are not exactly the calm and soothing words you want to be seeing from PTSpy after a clean, fresh  install of your WCI portal. It is frustrating, it is alarming, and above all else, did I mention it is 2 AM?  The prospect of re-scripting a database by hand is just ever so slightly upsetting.  So we look at little deeper at the Spy log:

Exception in thread "Main Thread" com.plumtree.openkernel.exceptions.OKSQLException...

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