Introduction to Drupal 7 Maps - Leaflet

This is my second post in the Drupal mapping series. Introducing Leaflet! 

In my previous post I described the steps to create a map in Drupal using OpenLayers. Since that post was published the OpenLayers Drupal module has been completely rewritten. The current stable 3.x release is beta3. While this is a stable release, the module is still under heavy development. This gave me the...

Jazzing Up Your Dashboards: Dynamic Drilldown 101

Time and time again, our customers find the most value in Splunk when they can visualize their data. By using the tokenization of certain fields, customers have the ability to drilldown into certain elements of their data. Drilling down into maps, charts, and graphs within the same dashboard, gives customers the ability to pinpoint problems and solutions quickly and efficiently. Now that Splunk utilizes simple XML for dashboard design, jazzing up your dashboards is easier than ever before!

Using sample data, I will walk you through some of these dynamic features below.


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