In Function1’s WEM practice, we believe that business and customers should be able to engage with each other online, in a natural and effective way. The web is powerful but complex. Online engagement needs to be facilitated for businesses and their customers alike.

Our consultants work closely with businesses to understand their current online engagement needs and anticipate their future plans. We craft solutions for them by leveraging our vast experience, our commitment to overall usability, our suite of enlightened tools, and industry-leading software.

Function1’s WEM solutions deploy faster, less expensively, and are far more usable than standard deployments because of this.

What is WEM?

Web Experience Management (“WEM”) is the evolution of Web Content Management (WCM). It is the process of enabling, guiding, and enriching your clients’ or prospective clients’ interaction with your organization online. It involves traditional web content management, ensuring that the right content is available to your users, but it extends the concept in several important ways. Customers today expect to be presented with personalized content, based on everything a company knows about a them, on any device and in any language they want. They expect content to be delivered to them across a variety of channels, including phones, tablets and traditional browsers. They will research, evaluate, and engage with you on your website, through social media, via email and by phone. As new communication channels emerge, customers expect them to be able to leverage them to engage with your business. All of this online engagement is optimized and managed with WEM solutions.

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