How to create a custom left navigation pane in WebCenter Sites Contributor UI (

In this blog, I would like to show how to create a custom left navigation pane in contributor UI for 11g. As the name suggests, navigation panes are used to show trees or navigation hierarchy for assets within a site.

To create a new navigation pane, we will, first need to extend the LeftNaviagtionConfig element. This element can be found here:


Copy content of this element into a new CSElement. For this example, create the following element.

CustomElements/<your site name>/...

OWCS Missing Nodes in Site Plan Tree

You wake up one morning, get into work, grab your morning coffee and log into Web Center Sites.  As you sip your coffee you look at the Site Plan Tree tab, which contains the 600 or so pages that you painstakingly organized with pride.  You get an email saying that now Page X needs to be moved under Page Y for the breadcrumbs.

You put down your coffee and you start to drag Page X under Page Y.  Page X has 100 pages underneath it and the dragging seems to lag.  You let go of your mouse button only to see the Page and all its children disappear.  You frantically expand various nodes...

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