Search results

  1. Moving to ECM

    used to check-in content, search content, revisions, granular access control, workflow, and web publishing.  This component is usually used ... of the ECM product stack. Web Content Management and it is a set of tools used ...

    Hani - 06/17/2014 - 13:41 - 1 comment

  2. A BACnet Module for Drupal BACnet Drupal Energy Dashboards Free Energy Management Facility ... a long way towards incentivizing efficient energy use patterns at commercial buildings that use BACnet compliant devices to manage such building ...

    Dave - 04/10/2015 - 12:51

  3. Analytics Tip

    to alter the URL and use the native JavaScript API libraries and specifically ... content since we might want to reference certain cards through Publisher content items or through custom apps using <HREF> tags.   If tracking ...

    Hani - 06/17/2014 - 13:41

  4. Simulating Data with the Splunk Event Generator

    dashboards populated with data, you may not be able to conclude how useful ... without that sort of budget or license, an alternative would be to use ... as event templates.  These templates are used by the app to create mock ...

    Kevin - 06/17/2014 - 08:39

  5. All Aboard! On-boarding Data Sources into Splunk

    this data. Data Input 3: Identify Systems to be Used for Testing The data owners should identify test systems that will be used to verify ... of this process is that each of these data inputs is used to begin a sub-process ...

    Anshu - 08/10/2017 - 08:52

  6. 'Varnish' Your Drupal Setup

    is wrong with this setup when caching is applied somewhere on the Drupal servers, with the use of modules such as  Memcache, APC, Boost, etc. ... to use Varnish is straightforward.  The next step is to configure your ...

    Hani - 07/06/2016 - 10:06

  7. Using C3.js to Create a Custom Visualization in Splunk

    in Splunk using the C3.js library, which is built on top of the extremely ... of using C3 is that the syntax is somewhat simpler to use than D3. While “D3” ... to using a third-party visualization. You can follow the tutorial ...

    Anshu - 08/10/2017 - 08:48

  8. Fighting Financial Fraud with Splunk

    I discuss how Function1 has assisted customers with using Splunk for fraud detection and analytics. We will outline some example use cases built ... in the fight against financial fraud. Fraud Detection Use Cases Much like ...

    Naveed - 03/15/2017 - 14:02

  9. Introduction to Drupal 7 Maps- Leaflet

    using OpenLayers. Since that post was published the OpenLayers Drupal ... to download any extra JavaScript. All the integration you need is provided when ... three required modules: Libraries cTools Entity In order to use Leaflet ...

    Jon - 09/15/2015 - 10:01

  10. New in Splunk 7.0 – Metrics!

    Work Metrics are used to assess the top-level health of your systems by measuring useful outputs. This category would include metrics like: throughput, success and error counts/percentages, and performance stats (such ...

    Naveed - 10/12/2017 - 11:22

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